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Leslie Turek's Garden
April 2000
April 2: A warm March has brought a lot of flowers into early bloom.
Yellow forsythia is a childhood favorite (I used to think it was called "For Cynthia"). And I love the blues of squill (Scilla siberica) and Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa) with the cheerful yellow daffodils (the little daffodil is called Tete a Tete). And in all the excitement, let's not overlook the quieter blooms of the Japanese andromeda (Pieris japonica) and the species tulips.
April 8: The daffodils are in full bloom now, along with another bright blue flower, Pulmonaria. The third pictures shows two groundcovers, evergreen vinca with its periwinkle flowers and the variagated foliage of lamiastrum. The pink tree in the last picture is an autumn-flowering cherry. (The day after these pictures were taken, it snowed a bit!)
April 25: After a week and a half of clouds and rain, the sun finally came through for one glorious day. The bright blue sky was a great backdrop for the pink quince and white apple blossoms, while closer to the ground I found spring bulbs in a rainbow of colors: deep purple grape hyacinth, bright red tulips, and pure white daffodils. In the shade, the dark foliage of Labrador violets contrasted with the bright yellow-green foliage of goldenstar (Chrysogonum virginianum). (And the day after these pictures were taken, it snowed!)
April 30:
Trout Lily (Erythronium) 'Pagoda':
Lathyrus vernus and Brunnera macrophylla
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