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Leslie Turek's Garden

January 2000

First snow in January

We got our first snow in January, after 303 days without any measurable snowfall.

February 2000

It's still winter, but the snow has melted, and the swelling buds of the dogwood and the bright green fronds of Polypodium virginianum are giving a promise of spring.
Cornus florida Polypodium virginianum

March 2000

Early March: Snowdrops and yellow witch hazel 'Arnold Promise' are in bloom, and the berries of the purple beautyberry are still hanging on.
Snowdrops Purple beautyberry Witch Hazel

Mid-March: Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) and crocus are in bloom, and the wintered-over spinach is doing fine in the vegetable garden, but the snow still lingers under the spruce trees.
Christmas Rosse Crocus Wintered-over spinach Footprints in the snow

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